Functional Medical Testing

You, the public, are now taking a much more active role in improving your health. We, the Health Practitioners are now able to offer many services to get you back on track.

Lab tests show us how areas of the body are working and what areas maybe under or over functioning and areas that need support. They are very specific to certain areas in the body. They focus on the cause of the problem not the symptom and endeavour to optimise your health and performance for the future.

Methods of testing are:  Stool, urine and blood

Testing is part of Nicole’s naturopathy consultation and are an additional cost.

click here for Naturopathy page

Tests Nicole Carries out are:

Comprehensive stool analysis / GI effects / GI Map / Your Gut Map

Candida and yeast overgrowths

Gluten Sensitivity

Gut Immune Health

Gut bacterial health

Helicobacter Pylori

Leaky Gut Testing

SIBO – small intestine bacterial overgrowth

Food Intolerance testing

Food allergy testing


Vitamin D levels

Hormone levels both male and female (DUTCH)

Organic acids

Adrenal Stress Profile

Thyroid test